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Precision piston rod

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specifications φ6-φ12 Φ16-φ25 Φ30-φ50 Φ55-φ100 Φ105-φ1200
Length 200-2000 200-3000 200-5000 200-10000 1000-10000
Surface roughness 0.4-0.1
Surface Treatment of hardness HRC60以上 Straightness 0.15/1000mm
Circle of Tolerance GB1184 level 9 Chrome thickness According to
user requirements
Full-length size Tolerance GB1100IT level Material According to user requirements
Axis of hardness HB220-280
Availability Status Not dealing with the surface, surface chrome or nickel phosphorus and nitrogen surface salt spray
Note: For special specifications,call (letter) custom.
Main technical parameters of precision piston rod mechanical grinding rods
Allowable difference level h7 h8 h9 h10 h11 f7 f8
Diameter m/m
6-10 0-0.015 0-0.022 0-0.036 0-0.058 0-0.09 -0.013
10-18 0-0.018 0-0.027 0-0.043 0-0.058 0-0.09 -0.016
18-30 0-0.021 0-0.033 0-0.052 0-0.084 0-0.13 -0.02
30-50 0-0.025 0-0.039 0-0.062 0-0.1 0-0.16 -0.025
50-80 0-0.030 0-0.046 0-0.074 0-0.12 0-0.19 -0.03
80-120 0-0.035 0-0.054 0-0.087 0-0.14 0-0.22 -0.036
Copy right ? 2019 Wuxi Chenna Machinery Co., Ltd.(Changzhou Chenna Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd.) All rights reserved.
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